Sleeping with a light on can harm your health 

You probably already know how important sleep is for your health. 

What you might not know is how important it is to sleep in the dark. 

Many of us sleep with LIGHTS ON!  Did you have some fear or trauma, or has it just become a habit? 

It seems like a harmless habit but you might be shocked to learn… This can be extremely harmful to our health.

And this article will explain why it is important for you to sleep with the lights off

Sleeping with lights on can: 

  • Increase the risk of getting disease 

Around 40 percent of people sleep with some sort of artificial light. Aside from the main light which is the worst thing, even a small light from a television or alarm clock could affect our health. 

Researchers say turning off the light  while we sleep helps to keep away diabetes and heart disease. And keeping the lights on could increase the risk of getting these diseases. 

  • Affect your sleep quality

When you sleep with the lights on, you are more likely to experience poor sleep quality. This is because light exposure can disrupt your body’s natural circadian rhythm, or “body clock.”

Light exposure at night can hinder transitions between sleep cycles, reducing the quality of sleep. Too much light can cause repeated awakenings, interrupting the sleep cycle and reducing time spent in deeper, more restorative sleep stages.

  • Damage your eyes

Sleeping with the lights on can damage your eyes. This is because light exposure can increase the risk for macular degeneration, a condition that leads to vision loss.

  • Cause headaches

Are you noticing that you get headaches more often?  Sleeping with the lights on can cause headaches. This is because light exposure can trigger migraines and tension headaches.

Dr Phyllis Zee, a researcher from Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago, USA, who is an expert in sleep medicine said that it is healthier to turn off lights when we sleep. 

In her research, people who slept with a light on had higher blood sugar levels the next morning compared to those who slept in total darkness. This is because light stimulates brain activity which raises blood sugar levels. 

According to Dr. Zee, There are three things we can do to reduce the risk of illness: 

  • Turn off the lights! 

Turning off the lights before you sleep can help keep your blood sugar levels down and reduce the risk of illness.

  • Never sleep with white or blue light 

White and blue light are the most stimulating to the brain, so it’s best to avoid them before bed. If you must have a light on, use a red light instead.

Reduce screen time before bed

We all know that staring at screens right before bed is not ideal. Not only does the light from the screen stimulate the brain, but the content of what we’re watching can also keep us up at night. So, try to avoid screens for at least an hour before bedtime.

  • Use a blackout curtain or wear an eye mask.

If you can’t avoid light exposure before bed, try using a blackout curtain or wearing an eye mask. This will help to reduce the amount of light that enters your bedroom and disrupts your sleep.

Sleep in total darkness whenever possible to reduce your risk of illness.

Turn off electronic devices and screens at least one hour before sleep.

So if you’re looking to get a good night’s sleep, it might be time to break the habit of sleeping with a light on. 

Of course, there are always exceptions to this rule – if you work the night shift or have a newborn baby who needs nighttime feedings, for example – but in general, try to make your bedroom as dark as possible so that your body can relax and rejuvenate properly. 

Why a BIG breakfast helps us burn double the calories

Breakfast is widely considered to be the most important meal of the day, and there’s medical studies to back that up, especially if you’re trying to reduce weight.

Researchers have revealed what might be a highly popular, but really controversial, new way to lose weight – eat a big breakfast.

According to a new study, people who eat a big breakfast burn twice as many calories compared to those who eat a larger dinner. 

The study, which was conducted by the University of Alberta in Canada, found that those who ate a big breakfast not only lost more weight, but also had lower levels of “bad” cholesterol.

The findings suggest that eating a large breakfast may be a simple and effective way to lose weight, and improve overall health.

After breakfast, people’s metabolisms are more active.

That means they burn more calories throughout the day.

A recent study has shown that people who eat breakfast are more likely to be successful in losing weight and keeping it off.

High-calorie breakfasts were also associated with reduced hunger pangs and sweet cravings throughout the day, according to the study.

At the same time, a low calorie breakfast is more likely to cause snacking throughout the day. 

People’s insulin — a hormone that helps turn food into energy — and blood glucose, which is used for energy, were also lower after breakfast compared with after dinner.

Skipping breakfast lowers the body’s metabolism and leads to cravings.

Eating a big breakfast may help to regulate hunger hormones, which can lead to reduced cravings and reduced calorie intake throughout the day.

The circadian rhythm, or sleep-wake cycle, has a big impact on our metabolism. People are more insulin sensitive in the morning, which means their bodies need to generate less insulin to keep blood sugar levels stable after meals.

Eat breakfast to fuel your day

According to the research, our metabolic rate slows down at night, making it more difficult for the body to digest food and burn it off for energy.

A healthier breakfast can help to regulate blood sugar levels and provide the energy we need to get through our day.

Choose items like eggs, oatmeal, fruits, and vegetables to help you reach your goals.

Skipping breakfast has been linked to weight gain and other health problems. Make sure to start your day with a nutritious meal to help you reach your goals.

The millennial diet you should try

Millennials are eating better than their parents and even grandparents!  

As health and wellness have become a greater priority for millennials, they search for healthier eating options. 

Recent research indicates that this influence on health extends to what they eat. The study found that their diet is better compared to that of their parents and grandparents. They’re eating better and staying fit. They tend to consume a greater quantity of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. In addition, they avoid processed foods, sugary beverages, and unhealthy fats. They become so intensely focused on their health and according to some experts, this is because they are the first generation to grow up with convenient access to nutrition and health information. Others claim it is because they live in an increasingly stressful and hectic world. 

While some may doubt the health benefits of these food influences, it cannot be denied that they have had a positive impact on the way we view food.

Millennials have great ‘taste’.

Millennials are frequently credited with driving the health food trend. To begin with, they are more likely to prepare meals at home with fresh, nutritious ingredients. They also choose restaurants that provide nutritionally balanced menu options. When purchasing packaged foods, they frequently seek out items devoid of artificial ingredients and preservatives. As such, the food industry as a whole is experiencing a shift, with an increasing number of companies offering fresh and healthy options to meet the needs of millennial consumers.

There has also been a revival of interest in so-called “artisanal” foods in recent years, and millennials are at the forefront of this trend. It would be similar to having avocado toast, ramen noodles, and pour-over coffee in common. They are all seemingly simple foods that millennials have elevated to iconic status. Millennials are willing to pay a premium price for quality goods, whether it’s attempting to obtain the best ingredients for a home-cooked meal or purchasing a premium latte. This taste extends beyond food and drink to fashion, design, and even travel. The popularity of boutique hotels, small-batch spirits, and gourmet cupcakes is sufficient evidence that millennials have excellent taste. It is noticeable that when it comes to taste, millennials are innovators.

Millennials know what to eat!

The reality is that millennials possess greater food knowledge than previous generations. The Internet provides millennials with a wealth of nutrition and cooking-related information. They are aware of the importance of calorie counting and are able to identify nutritious ingredients. 

When it comes to eating, millennials’ preferences differ significantly from those of previous generations. They are typically more mindful of their eating habits than older adults. This has resulted in an increase in health-conscious food trends, such as organic produce and local food, and likely due to a growing awareness of the health benefits of these foods. Organic produce is grown without the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, making it healthier for both consumers and the environment. Local foods, on the other hand, are typically fresher and have a lower carbon footprint since they haven’t been transported long distances. And while they may not always make the best decisions, they are more aware than any other generation of the connection between diet and health. 

As more millennials become health-conscious, it’s likely that these food trends will continue to grow in popularity.

Millennials are the future…

Millennials are more likely to be foodies, and they are constantly searching for new food trends. However, they do not like to indulge in fast foods that are cheaper and easier to obtain than ever before. It is not surprising that they are becoming increasingly health-conscious. The days of eating whatever they want without regard for the consequences have passed. When it comes to food, millennials are more selective than ever before. They are concerned not only with what they eat but also with where it comes from and how it is prepared. They want to know exactly what they are putting into their bodies, and they are not afraid to ask questions or make concessions to ensure that they are consuming the healthiest food possible. 

Since the food landscape is changing as the world changes, there has been a trend away from processed foods and toward greater consumption of natural and refined foods. This trend is being driven by millennials, who are increasingly interested in healthy and sustainable food options. Millennials, in particular, are embracing plant-based diets, with an increasing number of young people choosing to be vegan or vegetarian. It has a significant impact on the food industry, as companies scramble to meet the demand for healthier products. They are extremely cautious with their food marketing nowadays.

As we move forward, it is clear that millennials will continue to have a profound and transformative impact on the food landscape.

Millennials try new foods which are better for their health.

Nevertheless, some millennials are willing to explore cuisines and flavour combinations. They are open to trying a wider variety of foods and ingredients. They believe that their favourite foods reflect their willingness to try new things and adventurous spirit. They quickly adopt new foods and flavours they believe will be popular. Whether it’s superfood bowls or avocado toast, there’s a good chance that Millennials contributed to its popularity. They desire food that is not only tasty but also good for them in terms of its nutritional content. 

The consumption of organic proteins, as well as ancient grains, is becoming increasingly common. Food preservation, fermenting, smoking, and grilling are also just a few of the novel cooking techniques that millennials are trying out. These trends suggest that millennials are finally ready to embrace a more varied and healthy approach to eating, which is a welcome departure from the processed foods of the past and the shift to a warm change of eating habits from a tradition.

Millennials are renowned for their individuality and adaptability. This is especially true regarding their food preferences. There is no question that they are influencing the food industry. And as they continue to place a premium on their health, we can anticipate even more health-conscious food trends to emerge in the coming years.

Reverse blood sugar with a 30min daily walk

Most people are aware that exercising is suitable for their health. Still, not everyone knows that even a tiny amount of physical activity can significantly impact their fitness. Walking, for example, is a low-intensity physical activity that has therapeutic effects.

Harvard studies confirm

Recent studies indicate that a 30-minute walk can reduce blood sugar levels, and the benefits can be seen in as little as two weeks. This is of utmost significance for people with diabetes, as high blood sugar levels can contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease, stroke, and damage to the kidneys. It may improve the body’s sensitivity to insulin, helps reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and speed up the rate at which glucose is metabolized in the body.

Based on the research observations, walking is not only an effective but also a terrific technique to help the liver burn off any excess sugar that has been accumulated. The liver stores sugar in the form of glycogen, and when a person walks, the muscles use this substance for energy. This process is called glycogenolysis, and it helps keep blood sugar levels balanced. In addition, walking helps increase the amount of oxygen in the blood, which also helps the liver function more efficiently. 

The study also discovered that walking also helps lower stress, which has been shown to impact blood sugar levels. Walking can help to stabilize blood sugar levels when stressed. Elevated stress levels can cause blood sugar levels to spike, making it difficult to maintain control. This is why chronic stress can lead to a variety of health problems, including hypertension, heart disease, and diabetes. 

Walking to stabilize blood sugar levels

Walking is something that most people take for granted. Nobody thinks twice about it until they admit they won’t be able to pull it off. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, it rises to the top of the priority list and becomes one of the most important aspects of lifestyle. People realize that walking is beneficial not only for getting from point A to point B, but for a variety of other reasons as well. If you’re living with diabetes, you know that keeping your blood sugar stable is key to feeling good and staying healthy. It is a great way o getting some easy routines. 

When managing diabetes, it’s important to monitor your blood sugar levels closely. Walking is a great way to stay active and help keep your blood sugar levels in check. At least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity each day, most days of the week, is effective. If you are not used to being physically active, this is an excellent way to start. It may be done anywhere and requires no special equipment.

However, there is a right and wrong way to walk when managing diabetes. If you walk too slowly, your blood sugar levels may drop too low. On the other hand, if you walk too quickly, your blood sugar levels may rise too high. The best way to walk when managing diabetes is at a moderate pace. First, start by warming up with a slow walk for five minutes. Then, increase your speed for two minutes before returning to a slower pace for the remainder of your walk. Finally, be sure to cool down with a slow walk for five minutes. 

This will help to keep your blood sugar levels stable and prevent any spikes or dips. In addition, be sure to carry some form of sweets with you in case your blood sugar levels do drop too low. By following these simple tips, you can safely and effectively manage your diabetes through walking.

Further advantages of a 30- min Walk

If you walk for thirty minutes every day, not only will you see improvements in your cardiovascular fitness and muscle strength, but you’ll also reap the benefits of a plethora of other positive outcomes. For example, research has shown that going for a walk can improve mental health, increase energy levels, lower stress levels, and encourage better sleep. Then, it is an excellent way to meet new people, as well as to get some exercise, breathe in some fresh air, and spend some time outside in the natural world. Furthermore, it is a great component of fitness because it has a minimal impact and can be done by people of varying ages and degrees of endurance. Therefore, the next time you find yourself feeling caught within or simply in need of some time to clear your head, keep in mind that a stroll of thirty minutes could be precisely what you need.

It is important to remember that walking is a fantastic form of exercise for practically everyone because it has a beneficial influence on the monitoring of blood sugar. Walking, as compared to more strenuous workouts such as running or leaping, places less stress on the body’s joints and muscles than other forms of exercise do. Running and jumping both impose a greater demand on the body’s ability to adapt to sudden changes. It is an effective way for increasing both the rate at which your heart beats as well as the circulation of your blood.

One of the best ways to improve one’s health is to take a brisk walk. If you want to be healthier, you should think about going for a 30-minute walk every day. How much of a difference does it make?

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