Smoothie Recipe That Shaves 5 Pounds Overnight…

Have you heard about this?

Supposedly, this delicious smoothie will help you shed 5 pounds overnight if you make it.

Now, I think the trick is…you have to already be on a low-calorie diet to lose weight quickly using this hack.

I’m not trying to lose any quick weight right now, but it you know someone who is, share this recipe with them!

I’ll probably try it later this week just for the taste. I love bananas! They’re full of potassium (which my heart and muscles need).

And they have natural sugars that easily break down into the glucose my brain needs.

To lose weight quickly, you’ll want to drink the smoothie as a meal replacement. The protein should hold you for a few hours.

Ok. Here’s my favorite banana smoothie recipe. Let me know how it works for you!

Filling Banana Smoothie


  • 1 Cup Unsweetened Almond Milk
  • 1/2 cup Vanilla or Plain Greek Yogurt, protein powder, or nut butter of your choice
  • 1/4 tsp Cinnamon
  • 1 Frozen Banana
  • 1/4 tsp Vanilla Extract
  • 5 ice cubes


  1. Freeze your banana and ice the night before.
  2. Cut up your banana into about inch segments.
  3. Combine all ingredients in your blender.
  4. Blend until completely smooth.
  5. Add cinnamon to the top of your shake if desired.
  6. Serve immediately and Enjoy!

Please note that if you use a vitamin-fortified protein powder, you’re more likely to have a healthier shake with more nutrition in it. It’s not necessary, but it’s an option.

Have fun with this one and let me know how it worked for you, ok?

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